Relationship Coach

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Emotions is the Language of Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind communicates through feelings, emotions, and dreams. The subconscious mind is more than 90% while conscious mind is less than 10 % communicating through thoughts and perception. The messages from the subconscious mind may come in the form of insights, known as intuition, or our Higher Self. In a spiritual interpretation, through intense emotions, such as depression, the Spirit brings our attention to some areas of our life that require changes. The inner dialogue is needed if we want to understand depression at the level of our subconscious mind. By exploring the meaning of feelings and asking questions from the place of the heart, we are likely to understand the truth of a given situation. The answers come through practicing meditation, relaxation, journaling, faithful prayer, intention, trust, or intuition.  



Characteristics of Subconscious Mind:

  • Subconscious Mind thinks in the form of images, symbols, and dreams;
  • It’s always active;
  • It communicates through emotions and feelings;
  • It controls your body functioning;
  • It cannot process negative words or commands (such as “Don’t);
  • It in charge of your survival and well-being;
  • Your developed habits and learned beliefs are subconscious programs;
  • Subconscious mind does not lie.