Relationship Coach

Your Personality Creates Your Own Reality

Dr. Dispenza in his book, How to Break the Habit of Being You, states that “Your personality creates your own reality.” We think every day on average between 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts. About 90 percent of those thinking patterns and emotions we repeat the next day. This means that we constantly think the same thoughts, have the same emotions, and consequently get the same results. Oftentimes, our daily life is driven habitually, and habits are automatic responses, programmed by the subconscious mind. Dr. Dispenza explains that personal reality is just an accumulation or reflection of our personality. Interestingly, in ancient Latin the word persona meant “mask.” The word also can be assigned to a character played by an actor. A persona is not associates a lie or falsehood. Its meaning  more implies that it is only part of the truth, which attribute to more external truth. 

Our personality includes:

  • What we consistently think,
  • What we consistently do, and
  • How we are being.

So, if we want to change our external reality, we need to first change how we think, what we do, and how we are as being. The Formula is Thinking – Doing – Being. How we think, do, and being has to do with our habits. According to Dr. Dispenza, the following tips help to change an external reality and develop a new personality:

  • Doing mental work daily by reminding yourself of who you want to become while paying conscious awareness of who you no longer want to be. At some point, your personal reality will be transformed to match your new personality.
  • Never stop learning. Fill your brain with knowledge and review the information you’ve learned regularly so you can continue to assign meaning as to what you’re doing and why.
  • You can’t overcome a challenge by trying to solve it at the same level of consciousness that created it.
  • Have time for reflection. Ask empowering questions.
  • How did I do today?
  • How can I handle some situations differently?
  • What elevated level of emotion and consciousness do I have to access to be at my greater version than my former consciousness?
  • Take a moment for a mental rehearsal of how you want to handle these situations, in which you have been challenged.
  • Journal. The best time for reflection is time before night sleep. You can use a journal to write these questions. By reflecting on those challenging situations, better solutions you can find. Then you learn to make more informed decisions, better choices, and thus create different outcomes.

During the process of change, there will be periods of time when it appears like nothing much is happening. The old self will go down fighting by wanting to stay in a comfortable zone. However, by working daily and consistently, your efforts and commitment will manifest into your new personal reality, in which you are the master of what you want. Dr. Dispenza concludes “when you invest in yourself and invest in a new life, you invest in possibilities. And when you invest in possibility and believe in possibility, you believe in yourself. So, try it out. You just may wake up in a whole new future.

Notes from the Therapist

  • By practicing conscious awareness (living consciously), you are transforming into a new version of yourself.
  • You don’t have to prove yourself to others. 
  • Real transformation is inside out. Your internal ingredients, such as attitude, habits, beliefs, values, thoughts and feelings play a critical role in how you create your own reality.  

Empowering Quotes

  • I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Mahatma Gandhi
  • If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. –  Lao Tzu
  • Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.   Lao Tzu